Saturday, July 17, 2010

I can't keep a secret.

That's not true.

I can keep a secret.

I would even go so far as to consider myself very trustworthy if it is an important or confidential matter.

But when it comes to surprises--those kind of secrets--I'm not so good. I think it has to do with not being able to contain the joy or excitement or anticipation within my one little self. I just have to share it. And the bigger the surprise, the harder it is.

That being said, we have a surprise. . .

And if all goes well it should be here around March.


Caryn Allen said...

WAHOOOOOOOOO!!! That's so exciting! Congratulations, you two!

Alicia said...

Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Hooray for surprises!!!! If it's a girl, will you name her after me? :)

Katrina said...

congrats!!! so exciting!

katie said...

Yahoo!!! I'm so excited for you! I hope you're feeling well....

Unknown said...

YAAAAAAAY!!! So happy for you two :)

Joshua and Rachel said...

Awesome!! I am so excited for you two! You will be great parents! I hope for a girl!

Lauren said...

Yay! I'm hoping for twins for you guys...haha! Okay, maybe not, how about...triplets? You'll make great parents!

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

Wahoooooooooooo! Luke's so excited for his little friend/girlfriend to arrive :)

Marianne said...

yeah!!! we are super excited for you!! how about the name mariandrew?

A Painted Diary said...

congrats. how about alicia abbey.

reinaswan said...

Yeah - I am so excited for you both. Do you know if it is going to be a Cash???